Living Landscapes:
Living Landscapes is the title I give to work that is ‘landscape-led’.
How do we live and work on the land in way that honours the place effectively?
How can we know when we are and aren’t imposing our will and ideas onto the land?
How can we best plan and design in a way that is respectful and sensitive to place and landscape?
These are some of the questions that Living Landscapes aims to find solutions to. By supporting people and groups to ‘read’ particular landscapes, ‘from the perspective of the landscape’ itself. The purpose is to develop perception and awareness of individuals and groups to the underlying nature and characteristics of place.
Living Landscapes is carried out through direct observation in landscapes, by those looking to answer questions such as those above. It gives people the skills and know-how to be more sensitised to the living environment around them and continually assess their own decision-making based on this relationship. The outcomes of this work are a more sustainable and fruitful relationship to place that values and honours the essential nature of the particular landscape.
This work has been made possible through the mentoring and teaching of the late Margaret Colquhoun, who I was fortunate enough to study with during different periods of research, conducted between 2009 and 2015 at Pishwanton, The Life Science Trust. I am forever grateful to Margaret for her teaching and friendship, and also pleased to continue her legacy through this work.
Further resources will be added to this page, including previous examples of Living Landscape processes.