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Roland Playle Bio:

I have a background working in community development projects internationally and in the UK. These development projects are grass-roots initiatives tackling local social and environmental issues. While there were many successes in these projects, it led me to question how effectively development approaches balanced social and environmental challenges. This question followed me for many years, and led me to enroll on the MSc programme in Holistic Science at the Schumacher College in 2008.  


Studying at Schumacher College helped me to consider methods and processes to address the questions of finding balance between social and environmental concerns. This led to me carry out further research in Goethean Science at Pishwanton, The Life Science Trust, under the guidance of Margaret Colquhoun in Gifford, Scotland, through the Science Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland and as a recipient of a Credere Fund. More recently I carried out a Fellowship at the Nature Institute in upstate New York, USA. Throughout this time, I have also trained in Non-Violent Communication (NVC) and have facilitated collaborative decision-making processes in the UK and abroad. 


I have lived in Scotland since 2009, where I have continued to work in community-based projects such as Transition Town initiatives and in Milton, North Glasgow on a land regeneration project aimed at addressing the causes and symptoms of deprivation and isolation. Since 2012, I have tutored yearly on the Schumacher College online Certificate for Holistic Science, a programme co-delivered by Efecto Mariposa in Colombia, and delivered a range of environmental education programmes such as through the Schumacher College, Christenssen Fund, Youth Initiative Programme YIP in Utteryarna, Sweden and Edinburgh University, Innovative Learning Week. Alongside the work you see on this website, I currently work as a Director for the Community Chartering Network, an organisation supporting communities to collectively make decisions about the future of local places, and work with planning departments and Community Councils to meet their aspirations.

Roland Playle
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