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Online Course:

Goethe and the Language of Holistic Science


a 1 year online learning programme

 run in collaboration with Escola Schumacher Brasil & Philip Frances

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In collaboration with:

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It is a great pleasure to be working with Philip Frances of the Holistic Science Journal and former resident lecturer at Schumacher College, and Bia Tadema and Maria Eugenia Salceda of Escola Schumacher Brasil on this novel and innovative programme that brings Holistic Science to new audiences in practical ways and through experiential learning processes. 


The programme grounds participants in observation practices drawing the links between perception, action and participation with regard to people's work and projects in social and environmental fields. 



From the programme text: 



While there are many academic courses on Goethe, the hallmark of this course is an embodied learning through the experience of observing and engaging with experiments and perspectives around the different subjects. The learning is not an end in itself but a medium through which the experience of the different participants can come to the fore in projects, understandings and discussions. 

Throughout the year we will meet practitioners who will join us as guest teachers to share how they intuitively engage with their practices informed by a holistic approach. Our aim is to reveal the wholeness of these initiatives and recognize them as an important path to cultivate a new way of acting in the world, strengthening ourselves in face of the innumerable crises permeating our current existence


We are currently completing this years programme and will soon announce the programme for 2022-2023.

Please get in touch for more details.


For last year's course information, please see this page for more details.


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